I am the Production/Post-Production intern at HooplaHa/Only Good News TV. Check back for exciting updates and content!
Week 1
I started my internship on Tuesday, July 10th. Upon arrival at the office, Laurence introduced me to the team and gave me a tour. Shortly after, I dove right into my first project as the Production/Post-Production intern - editing a thematic compilation video. This video will hopefully be distributed for syndication to sites like UpWorthy and HuffPost. With the launch of Only Good News TV, most of the videos being produced are only available to subscribers. This compilation video will serve as a marketing tool.
After pouring over previous HooplaHa videos, I decided to run with an "overcoming adversity" theme. Using footage of three disabled animals, I started laying out a timeline in Adobe Premiere Pro. I cut the footage to some uplifting music from Killer Tracks. I continued to work on this video on Wednesday and sent Rob and Laurence my first draft on Thursday. While waiting for Rob's notes, I began editing a montage style video on Thursday as well. Next week, I plan on finishing both videos and sharing them to this page!
Week 2
I assisted on a shoot of "The Weekly Good," a short-form, feel good, weekly series for OGTV, anchored by the new Mets PA Announcer, Marysol Castro. We shot on location at Marysol's sister's house in Westport, CT. Myself and two interns, Jared and Al, assisted the shooter by unloading and loading equipment, and setting up the tripod, c-stands, lights and iPad teleprompter (which I've used at Pace!). As they filmed two episodes of "The Weekly Good," I followed the script and listened carefully to Marysol, identifying any awkward phrasing or pacing that would call for an additional take. You can watch Episode 11 below. The password for all videos is: hooplaha
Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot!

After the shoot, I headed to Laurence's house to help him set up for the staff party. The interns and staff enjoyed a relaxing poolside BBQ that afternoon!
On Thursday, I finished my first compilation-style video, which you can view below. The password for all videos is: hooplaha
I also began editing the second draft of a puppy montage video and started a second compilation-style video. After finalizing my first video, I feel more confident moving forward with the next project.
On Tuesday, I finished the first draft of a compilation-style video focusing on inspiring artists and sent it to Rob for review. Wednesday was a busy day in the office - Only Good News hired a new staff member to handle social media. Since Rob had yet to give me notes on my video, I asked Dani if she needed help with anything. She asked me to transcribe some interviews from OGTV's newest series, "Barely Breathing Ballerina." I'm a fast typer, so transcribing the interviews was the perfect task for me. I worked from home on Thursday and continued to transcribe interviews and also described the content of B-roll clips.
You can view the first draft of my inspiring artists compilation video below. The password for all videos is: hooplaha
Week 4
On Tuesday, I continued to transcribe footage, tackling episode 2 of "Barely Breathing Ballerina." On Wednesday, I assisted producers Dani and Kara, and shooter Johnny, on a shoot of "The Weekly Good." Due to weather conditions, we shot inside. I helped Johnny set up and break down equipment. I noticed that the pool's wall control panel was in the shot, and suggested to Dani that the shot should be reframed. The crew took my advice. After we wrapped, I headed home to work remotely and continued to transcribe footage. On Thursday, I transcribed the footage for episode 3. Dani was very grateful that I was eager to transcribe footage - having the transcriptions made it easier for Kellie, the editor, to cut the first episode of the series.
You can view episode 14 of The Weekly Good below. The password for all videos is hooplaha.
Week 5
On Tuesday, I worked from home due to some GI issues. Since I finished transcribing three episodes of "Barely Breathing Ballerina," I had a chance to return to my Inspiring Artists compilation video from Week 3 and completed a second draft. On Wednesday, I finalized the third draft of the video. Additionally, I created an Only Good TV "bandaid" watermark in Photoshop. Since the majority of the interns have finished their stints, there are more projects for me to work on besides editing videos. On Thursday, I began researching potential guests for the OGTV series "Fearless Like Me," hosted by Francesco Clark, a paraplegic and founder of Clark's Botanicals. Cara and Rob were very pleased with the list I complied. I continued to work on the list on Thursday, writing up paragraphs for each individual for Kara to pitch to Francesco. Additionally, I watched all of the episodes of The Weekly Good, looking out for any key phrases that would date the videos, preventing them from being used as re-runs.
You can view the latest drafts of the Puppy Montage and Inspiring Artists compilation below. The password for all videos is hooplaha.